Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LIANZA Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui 2009 AGM

This year the AGM is online!
Voting closed at 6pm Friday October 2nd.


1. Attendees (record on voting site) / Apologies (please send in reply to email or contact Charlotte or Laurinda)

2. Minutes of previous AGM (see below)

3. Matters arising (record on voting site)

4. Financial report 2008/2009 - Anne Thompson (see below)

5. Regional councillor's report - Paddy Plunket

6. Annual report - Charlotte Clements (see below)

7. Election of officers - See bio's down the page!!

* Nominations:
Paddy Plunket

* Continuing:
Gabrielle Hikaka and Trish Beamsley for Te Ropu Whakahau
Laurinda Thomas - regional councillor

* Committee members standing for re-election:
Timothy Greig
Hana Whaanga
Charlotte Clements
Anne Thompson
Paddy Plunket

8. General business (no general business)

9. Farewell to members leaving the committee - Fiona Rigby, Meg Cordes and Gael Lamont


Thank you!

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