Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Te Upoko o Te Ika a Maui LIANZA Regional Committee AGM



Charlotte Clements, Chair from August 2008
Anne Thompson, Treasurer
Paddy Plunket (Council 2008/2009)
Gabrielle Hikaka (TRW)
Trish Beamsley (TRW)
Fiona Rigby
Gael Lamont
Timothy Grieg
Meg Cordes
Hana Whaanga
Laurinda Thomas (Council 2009/2010)


  • August 2008: AGM. The Hollywood Librarian premier.
  • September: Mentoring in the profession – Access grid
  • November: Conference attendance
  • December: Xmas cheers at Te Puni KoKiri
  • Committee planning day held 24th Feruary 2009
  • February: Welcome to LIM students meeting held at Victoria University of Wellington. Professional group representatives included SLIS, ARANZ, NZLLA, RMAA and Regional Committee members.
  • March: Richard Hulser presentation
  • May: Deliver It! Presentation workshops
  • May: Meetings to discuss LIANZA Governance proposal
  • June / July: Winter Lunchtime Series – Career planning
  • August: Children’s Book Awards ceremony
  • September 2009: Knowledge Cafe with Richard Gurteen.

We are very grateful to the organisations that host members and/or allowed us to use their facilities.


Sponsorship was not awarded to single members this past year. The committee decided to sponsor events and guest speakers in order to spread member funds as widely as possible.


Hydestor: awarded in August 2008 to Hyekyung Chun from Victoria University of Wellington to fund her enrolment in an MLIS paper.

Committee activities

The committee has continued its usual level of activity this year, organising professional development events, sharing roles across committee members and working more in the web environment. Our Google Groups space and blog have been successful and continue to grow and develop. This has continued to aid communication among the committee.

This past year we have also worked with NZLLA, SLIS and NZKMN to aid communication and to co-host events with Louisa Rutherford from SLIS joining some committee meetings.

We are looking forward to more opportunities to collaborate and create networking opportunities.

We would like to see our blog used more for news, comments and ideas. We are always keen to hear from everyone and would like to see authorship extend across the region. Your ideas and input are very welcome. A big thanks to Hana for her devotion to the cause.

Our future plans include seeding a LIANZA members group in the Wairarapa (see Laurinda’s report) and developing more events that library assistants and younger library staff would like to participate in.

This year we must say goodbye to 3 committee members. Fiona Rigby will not return to the committee after taking leave to bring Hugo into the world; Meg Cordes and Gael Lamont have decided not to continue in the coming year. A huge thanks to all for the ideas and energy offered throughout the year.

Paddy Plunket has completed her term as Regional Councillor for LIANZA and is standing for the regional committee for the coming year. We were pleased to be able to add Laurinda Thomas to the committee earlier this year, and are particularly grateful to her for standing for the position of Regional Councillor when Paddy’s term was up. Many thanks to all of those people who have been on the committee, and also those who remain.

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