Saturday, October 3, 2009

Minutes of Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui regional AGM 2009

I don't know if anyone else has held or participated in an online AGM, but we just have and it was a blast! Really great to have the membership aware and involved. As you can see from the attendance and the comments, there was a decent turn out and some appreciated the ease afforded by online participation enough to leave an encouraging comment.
Next time I would like to get all the guff online earlier and be able to open the meeting sooner. We did strike the occasional hurdle in realising our plans, and this caused some delay as we tested and discussed what to try next. Thanks to Philip W. and Rebecca Y. for contacting me with helpful hints on where the url wasn't working, and for your encouragement. We may be able to include online discussion in future meetings, as one person suggested in the meeting. Certainly we will think about how to have more events online, and we welcome your ideas/expertise in setting this up.
To follow the rules the meeting is reported in the minutes below. Thanks to everyone who made this work!
I'm handing the Chair to Paddy Plunket now, but will see you 'round.

Minutes of the Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui regional AGM 2009

Meeting opened online at 6pm September 30.

1. Attendees: Rebecca Young, Philip Worthington, Charlotte Stretton, Beryl Anderson, Meg Cordes, Kareen Carter, Elizabeth Russell, Joanna Boyd, Rachel Lundberg, Anne Thompson, Gael Lamont, Jessie Moir, Charlotte Clements, Louise Mercer, Joan McCracken, Roger Swanson, Jan McCarthy, Timothy Greig, Julian Sutherland, Tim Hannah, Philip Casey, Margaret Anderson, Marilyn Edwards, Hana Whaanga.

2. Minutes of previous AGM. Moved: Charlotte, Seconded: Anne. Carried.

3. Matters arising: No matters arising

4. Financial report 2008/2009. Moved: Charlotte, Seconded: Paddy. Carried

5. Regional councillor's report - Paddy Plunket

6. Annual report. Moved: Paddy, Seconded: Gabrielle. Carried

7. Election of officers.
All nominees were elected.

Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui LIANZA regional committee for 2009/2010
Paddy Plunket (chair)
Gabrielle Hikaka and Trish Beamsley for Te Ropu Whakahau
Laurinda Thomas - regional councillor
Timothy Greig
Hana Whaanga
Charlotte Clements
Anne Thompson

9. Farewell to members leaving the committee - Fiona Rigby, Meg Cordes and Gael Lamont

"Thanks for the regular and varied events offered during the year."
"Just that I think having it online is an excellent idea. Perhaps we can have discussion threads in the next one to imitate a debate, or perhaps a live online chat that is set for a specific time."
"What a painless way to do an AGM! Love to hear feedback on how it goes!"
"Think the online idea is a darn good one!"
"I like the idea of an online AGM to encourage participation"
"I feel strongly that ALL candidates in any election should provide a bio and candidate statement. Its also good to have a photo as part of that"
"great initiative - hope you get a good response."
Meeting closed 6pm Friday October 2, 2009

Thank you!

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