Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rowena Cullen: "Why IT matters: Your health and the public health" (10 November)

For those people who were unable to attend her inaugural lecture last month, RowenaCullen, Professor of Information Management at Victoria University, has agreed to reprise her talk a second time LIANZA members and others from the Library and Information Managment profession.

In her talk, Professor Cullen will explore some of the successful uses of health information technology (IT), and possible reasons for the apparent failure of health IT projects. In the 21st century sophisticated technology is routinely used for medical diagnosis, to record and share patient information, and to make unprecedented amounts of medical and consumer health information available through the internet. However, this investment often fails to significantly improve health care.

Rowena will be speaking on Tuesday 10 November at the Old Government Buildings Lecture Theatre 1, from 12-1pm. This lecture is open to anyone. Please feel free to bring your lunch!

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