Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Hollywood Librarian New Zealand Premiere!!

One night only - Wednesday August 27, 6:30pm
Penthouse Cinema, Brooklyn

In Wellington for one screening only, The Hollywood Librarian has generated huge interest in the library community.

LIANZA Regional AGM* / Student (with ID)$20
LIANZA Members / Group concession $22
Single tickets $25
Penthouse Cinema and Cafe, 205 Ohiro Road, Brooklyn, Wellington
Tickets available at the LIANZA office, level 7, 69 Boulcott Street, or by post. Also available at selected outlets. All enquiries to

*AGM attendees special price of $20.00 includes: the shortest AGM in regional history, wine and nibbles, and a seat for the NZ premiere of The Hollywood Librarian!
Limited places - door closes at 5:30pm

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Winter Series - Brown Bag Lunches

Thursday lunch times during August just got interesting:
12:10 - 1pm
The 2008 Winter Series covers copyright, censorship and creative commons.
  • 7 August: Richard Niven, a Wellington lawyer will speak on Copyright issues
  • 14 August: Bill Hastings, Chief Censor, Office of Film and Literature Classification
  • 21 August: Lousie O'Brien will speak on Creative Commons
Everyone welcome. There is no charge for these events and no need to register in advance.

Bring your lunch and take the opportunity to hear about some of the more challenging issues and opportunities facing the information world.
Tea and coffee available for purchase from the National Library cafe.

Presentations will be held in the Lower Ground Conference Room at the National Library (entrance from Aitken Street), 12.10pm to 1pm.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Hollywood Librarian - coming to Wellywood

How cool is this - we can show the movie 'The Hollywood Librarian' in Wellywood just for librarians, LIANZA members, and friends (and other interested parties if not already in a category).
But - we need to hire the cinema and pay for the distribution costs of one showing.
So - if you want to see the movie (probably on Wednesday August 27, 6:30pm) and will pay $21 - $25 for a ticket ... quick, let us know and we will bring the film to Wellywood! to express your interest NOW!
Note how many seats you want.
If unsure please note "possible" next to the number of seats.
See the blurb! join the discussion! find out about the director! on