Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Winter Series - Brown Bag Lunches

Thursday lunch times during August just got interesting:
12:10 - 1pm
The 2008 Winter Series covers copyright, censorship and creative commons.
  • 7 August: Richard Niven, a Wellington lawyer will speak on Copyright issues
  • 14 August: Bill Hastings, Chief Censor, Office of Film and Literature Classification
  • 21 August: Lousie O'Brien will speak on Creative Commons
Everyone welcome. There is no charge for these events and no need to register in advance.

Bring your lunch and take the opportunity to hear about some of the more challenging issues and opportunities facing the information world.
Tea and coffee available for purchase from the National Library cafe.

Presentations will be held in the Lower Ground Conference Room at the National Library (entrance from Aitken Street), 12.10pm to 1pm.

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