With our second online AGM having been completed a week ago (I do apologise for the lateness in having the minutes and results out), I can say I think we're getting better at it. I have noted that something we should really try explaining better is the legal jargon we use, for example, when to use the "abstain" response. Anyhoooo, here they are:
Minutes for the Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui regional AGM 2010:
Meeting opened online at 14:56pm Thursday 30th September.
Attendees: Claire Benson, Laurinda Thomas, Anne Anderson, Linda Hall, Tom Avery, Pauline La Rooy, Amanda Cossham, Kareen Carter, Julian Sutherland, Debbie Burgoyne, Charlotte Clements, Janet Upton, Kathleen Ann Reweti, Sylvia Kaa, Cherie Shum, John Hayden Stears, Carolyn Lyon, Jessie Moir, Jan McCarthy, Rachael Asi, Debbie Duncan, Janet McFadden, Gillian Ralph, Nola Millar Library, the American Reference Centre - US Embassy, the National Library, Scotts College, plus 4 others
Minutes of Previous AGM: - Do you accept the minutes of the previous year's AGM as a true and accurate record? Moved: Laurinda, Seconded: Hana = carried
- N/A Did not participate last year 68.6% (24/35)
- Yes 31.4% (11//35)
- No 0% (0)
Matters arising: No matters arising
Financial report for 2009/2010 activities: - Do you accept the Treasurers (financial) report for the previous year's activities? Moved: Charlotte, Seconded: Paddy = carried
- 100% accepted by attendees
Annual Report for 2009/2010 activities: - Do you accept the annual report for the previous year's activities? Moved: Paddy, Seconded: Laurinda = carried
- 100% accepted by attendees
Election of committee members:
All nominees were successfully elected.
Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui regional LIANZA committee for 2010/2011:
Trish Beamsley (Te Rōpu Whakahau representative)
Gabrielle Hikaka (Te Rōpu Whakahau representative)
Laurinda Thomas - Regional Councillor
Hana Whaanga
Charlotte Clements
Tom Avery
Cherie Shum
Helen Naismith
Kathryn Oxborrow
Feedback from Question: "What events or speakers would you like to see, hear, or meet in the region?:
- Good question. Some more Hutt Valley events would be great. I'll need to think about this more
- Quiz night. Would be keen for another sesion on copyright and DRM
- events in the Hutt please.
political discussion about real questions in the profession e.g. "value of being RLIANZA, versus qualifications". MIS vs teaching qual, teacher/librarianship.
a partnered event with SLANZA would be nice - Maori
- Possible election themed meeting at the end of the year
Further comments:
- Really enjoyed LIANZA b'day at Film archive and Meet the Leaders keep it up
- Thank you very much to all the committee members for October 2009 - October 2010 for their work for us over the year. Much appreciated.
Sadly, we do farewell Paddy Plunket and Anne Thompson at this point in the minutes of the AGM. We wish Paddy and Anne all the best and hope to continue to see them in the library and information management community.
Thank you to all attendees and visitors of our AGM. And congratulations and a big huge welcome and thank you to the new standing committee members, Tom, Cherie, Helen and Kathryn!
Kia ora.