Yes, there's been a bit of planning and discussion on this one, but Mike from the LIANZA office, Helen from APLM (Association of Public Library Managers) and Myself have managed to pull it together and finally, properly advertise this event!!
Who: Bob McKee the Chief Executive of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) of the UK. Pretty noteworthy person I'd say! Here's a link to some info about him.
When: Tues 25th May 2010 5:30pm for a 6pm start with a 7pm finish
Where: Lecture Theatre 1, Old Government Buildings, Victoria University Law School, Entrance off Stout Street
Why? We felt that the Wellington Public needed to be informed of WHY PUBLIC LIBRARIES MUST BE FREE!
Be there, or be square. Man.
Oh, and here's a reference list in case you wanted some pre-requisite reading on the subject (this list may be added to closer to the event):
- Closing the books on Libraries : Werewolf (division of Scoop?), written by Gordon Campbell
- Diligent Room post : Blissfully Ignorant : Library Charges, by Michael Parry @dannevirklib
The audio-visual of Bob's talk (starting with Laurinda's introduction!) is available here:
(cheers Mike - @lianzaoffice)